Friday, January 29, 2010


This week: "Jesus Christ His Only Son"

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

35 Weeks - Lots of Movement!

Our little Honeydew is now around 5 1/4 pounds and 18 inches long. The baby moves all the time and is all over the place. It still loves to move anytime after 4 o'clock in the afternoon and keeps it up until bedtime. It seems to have a little more room, as do my lungs, because I believe it "dropped" about a week or so ago! Also, the shirt I'm wearing in these photos is one my mom made and wore when she was pregnant with me! Thanks Mom!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Baby Shower

Last Saturday, some of my friends in Chicago threw a baby shower for me! It was a fun day, with yummy food, good friends and cute baby things! I am so thankful for all these wonderful ladies that encourage and support me.

Delicious cake with our 32 week picture frosted on the top!

Rubbing the baby belly!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Next sunday: "Maker of Heaven and Earth."

I see these sort-of baroque embellishments on some interior walls of old buildings here in Chicago. I'm sure they exist elsewhere, but I've only recently begun to notice. They are often functionless, but I like to think of them as little badges of creativity.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I Believe

Hey guys, Brad here. For the next few months, our church will be doing a sermon series on the Apostle's Creed. I'll be helping with the services by providing an illustration for the order of worship on a semi-regular basis. As long as you all remember that I'm NOT a professional, I think I'll let you see what I come up with. That being said, here's the first installment:

I would like to apologize ahead of time to Matt and John-- I tend to steal their ideas a lot.

Monday, January 4, 2010

32 Weeks - Pink or Blue?

This past week the baby was around 3.75 pounds and 18 inches long, about the size of this pineapple!
We aren't finding out the sex of the baby, but would love to hear all your guesses! Also, feel free to share any old wives tales regarding gender - I always love those!