Thursday, January 27, 2011

18 Weeks

These pictures are a few weeks old, but we still wanted to share with everyone! We have really enjoyed our little red pepper and can't believe the new baby is already the size of a green pepper!

I have felt the baby move and it is such a different kind of movement compared to Elliot. Elliot's first movements were very fluttery and often. He always moved a lot at 4pm. This one is one big movement and just a couple of times a day. It is so interesting! Anyone else have this experience?

Friday, January 14, 2011

2 Elliots!!!!

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blueberry morning

We had some yummy blueberry pancakes this morning! Elliot loves his carbs and ate his fair share.

Elliot is also starting to get his top teeth and his two bottom teeth are fully grown out.

In baby lewlew 2 news, I had my 18 week appointment yesterday and everything is moving right along. I'm really starting to show and can't believe we're almost at the halfway point! The next appointment will be the 20 week sonogram!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1st Sibling Photos!

We had quite the surprise at the end of October - We found out that we are having another baby! At first we were a bit overwhelmed by the idea of two kiddos, but by now we are used to the idea & are super excited.

Baby Lewlew 2 is due June 11 and I am 17 weeks. The second trimester is going much better than the first, which wasn't too bad but I did feel super tired and had a bit of morning sickness (especially changing poopy diapers)

First picture of our 2 little ones. We are going to have another surprise so we won't know whether Elliot is having a brother or sister until June!

Elliot is quite excited to be a big brother and seems very interested in babies.