Tuesday, January 26, 2010

35 Weeks - Lots of Movement!

Our little Honeydew is now around 5 1/4 pounds and 18 inches long. The baby moves all the time and is all over the place. It still loves to move anytime after 4 o'clock in the afternoon and keeps it up until bedtime. It seems to have a little more room, as do my lungs, because I believe it "dropped" about a week or so ago! Also, the shirt I'm wearing in these photos is one my mom made and wore when she was pregnant with me! Thanks Mom!


Andi said...

i love these pictures! what a fun way to document your pregnancy!

can't wait to find out who's been rolling around in there. very, very soon!

photograbock said...

I hope you have a girl so that she can wear that shirt someday too...CUTE (or, I guess I should say, KAWAIIIIIIIIIII!!) Yay!